Fung Tik Man
Petite messe solennelle: IV. Gloria. Gloria in excelsis Deo (Live)
Gábor Hollerung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Alexander Wong
Fung Tik Man
Anne Lam
Petite messe solennelle: X. Gloria. Cum Sancto Spiritu (Live)
Gábor Hollerung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Alexander Wong
Fung Tik Man
Anne Lam
Petite messe solennelle: I. Kyrie. Kyrie eleison (Live)
Gábor Hollerung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Alexander Wong
Fung Tik Man
Anne Lam
Petite messe solennelle: III. Kyrie. Kyrie eleison (Live)
Gábor Hollerung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Alexander Wong
Fung Tik Man
Anne Lam
Petite messe solennelle: XI. Credo. Credo in unum Deum (Live)
Gábor Hollerung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Yuki Ip
Carol Lin
Justin Li
Rachael Ho
Alexander Wong
Fung Tik Man
Anne Lam
Petite messe solennelle: XIX. Agnus Dei (Live)
Gábor Hollerung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Carol Lin
Alexander Wong
Fung Tik Man
Anne Lam
Petite messe solennelle: XIV. Credo. Et vitam venturi saeculi (Live)
Gábor Hollerung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Yuki Ip
Carol Lin
Justin Li
Rachael Ho
Alexander Wong
Fung Tik Man
Anne Lam
Petite messe solennelle: XIII. Credo. Et resurexit (Live)
Gábor Hollerung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus
Yuki Ip
Carol Lin
Justin Li
Rachael Ho
Alexander Wong
Fung Tik Man
Anne Lam
Fung Tik Man简介