大卫·阿利斯泰尔·皮尔斯(David Alistair Pearce,1963 年 6 月 14 日出生于英国萨里)是一位英国舞曲DJ、唱片制作人、EDM 制作人和广播员,曾在英国和世界各地演出。他之前曾在 BBC Radio 1 上主持了 Dance Anthems 十年。他以在英国舞蹈和俱乐部文化的发展中作为表演者和幕后角色发挥关键作用而闻名。
David Alistair Pearce (born 14 June 1963 in Surrey, England) is a British dance DJ, record producer, EDM producer and broadcaster, who has performed across the United Kingdom and the world. He previously presented Dance Anthems on BBC Radio 1 for ten years. He is renowned for playing a key role both as a performer and behind the scenes in the development of English dance and club culture.