Butler, Blake & Grant


The 90s



About Butler, Blake & Grant

Butler, Blake & Grant is a supergroup trio formed by British pop and rock veterans12345. The collaboration features Teenage Fanclub’s frontman Norman Blake, Bernard Butler of Suede renown, and Scottish musician James Grant of Love and Money acclaim135. Their eponymous LP brings a beautiful conclusion to 3 years of casual acquaintance, impromptu performances, and late-night rambles in the sitting room of Norman Blake’s Clyde Valley cottage

Butler, Blake & Grant

Butler, Blake & Grant is a supergroup trio formed by British pop and rock veterans12345. The collaboration features Teenage Fanclub’s frontman Norman Blake, Bernard Butler of Suede renown, and Scottish musician James Grant of Love and Money acclaim135. Their eponymous LP brings a beautiful conclusion to 3 years of casual acquaintance, impromptu performances, and late-night rambles in the sitting room of Norman Blake’s Clyde Valley cottage