新晋电子音乐人3He保持着对电子音乐和音频科技的强烈兴趣,从经典合成器,硬件采样器到最新的 MIDI 控制器,Eurorack 模块合成器,不断尝试着使用各类新老技术来制作他个人的电子音乐,融合包括 IDM, Techno, Ambient, Electronic 等多种风格。科班的音乐功底和对新技术的不断尝试,让3he最新的电子音乐专辑令人充满期待。
Chengdu-based electronic producer 3He makes an infectious debut with a synth-filled EP called “Mirror Image”.
Beijing based label Ran Music is back with their latest electronic catnip – the incredibly satisfying, intricately composed four track EP from Chengdu producer Ge Fei aka 3He.
Created with various old school hardware synthesizers and a custom-built Eurorack modular synthesizer, the closing track ‘April’ showcases the producer’s sophisticated ear for unconventional sound design, infectiously cool rhythms, and creative sampling.
It’s a sharp, stimulating waltz with ‘the machine’ that finds splendor in both the chaos and order between our brains and bodies.