lady so silly weather feel so chilly insecure like really horns got me feeling guilty chest grow bigger flawed i taste bitter wanna be quicker kill my deep voice pull the fkn trigger Bite My Scythe deny do away with so far it’s like myth lost to time in a monolith Spinal Cord Sword cut me up bleed my cord ditch me be ignored abandon me it’s a reward one pigeon girl fears her own world i’m queen not a earl not even that im just a dumb bird dumb bitch cause I don’t know nothing cause i’m still shallow cause i lost the pieces that made me lady so silly weather feel so chilly insecure like really horns got me feeling guilty chest grow bigger flawed i taste bitter wanna be quicker kill my deep voice pull the fkn trigger Beneath Myself Was what i called herself Now i know oneself shes not on the dust shelf Clean herself up Still Feel Like a Wolf Cub THRASHING MYSELF UP hard not to grab another cup I want to love like white mourning doves i’m above that of gold chains that keep me from above Love to be scum jump into more slums beak want more crumbs don’t be dumb stop being a bum lady so silly weather feel so chilly insecure like really horns got me feeling guilty chest grow bigger flawed i taste bitter wanna be quicker kill my deep voice pull the fkn trigger
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