"diluvian 无 (music for self extinction)" is a collection of audio files and text documents recovered from the ruins of the 22nd century Institute for Socio-Temporal Neurology. It includes recordings of machine and synthesis events hosted by the ISTN, modulation exercises from the laboratories, and archival works previously decrypted from its psychosis management collection spanning over a century. Though almost all of the files are incomplete fragments (as silica-based systems degraded heavily after the Quiet) they represent a cross-sectional view into the emotive span of several destabilized histories in pre-Advent cultural shifts characterized by decentralized security and inescapable propaganda. Historians are in disagreement over the authorship and dating of each work as lateral developments in the field have begun to prioritize nonlinear conesecutives due to resurgent interest in restoring 5th Advent technologies. For this reason archivists have decided to leave the collection in the sequence of which the files and documents were decrypted, not recovered.
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