Zero Out

Zero Out

OEM016 Recorded live at Namouche Studios, Lisbon 19 June 2019 "This might be the first post-Bolsonaro symphony, the values of a wild, threatened by industrial detritus, which has turned that ruined landscape into the material of a personal and collective triumph, an improvisation so focussed that it includes extended introspective listening, dialogue and achieved form." released March 26, 2021 Marco Scarassatti viola do cocho, tromp Kirk Roland Abdul Moimême two electric guitars (played simultaneously) & objects Joaquim Monte recording Mixed and mastered by Abdul Moimême Photo by Nuno Martins Design by Carlos Santos

Zero Out

Marco Scarassatti · 1616754058105

OEM016 Recorded live at Namouche Studios, Lisbon 19 June 2019 "This might be the first post-Bolsonaro symphony, the values of a wild, threatened by industrial detritus, which has turned that ruined landscape into the material of a personal and collective triumph, an improvisation so focussed that it includes extended introspective listening, dialogue and achieved form." released March 26, 2021 Marco Scarassatti viola do cocho, tromp Kirk Roland Abdul Moimême two electric guitars (played simultaneously) & objects Joaquim Monte recording Mixed and mastered by Abdul Moimême Photo by Nuno Martins Design by Carlos Santos


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