" Joaquin Ruiz, one of the emerging talents from Argentina, delivers a powerful debut on the XX series with his latest work. This four-track release showcases his ambition and skill in crafting mesmerizing techno infused with warm synths, deep space electronics, and irresistible grooves. Joaquin attention to detail is evident throughout the EP. The rumbling bassline, tight percussion, and intense rhythms create an immersive and dynamic listening experience. The combination of intricate drum patterns and captivating melodies keeps the energy high and the listener engaged from start to finish "
Joaquin Ruiz的其他专辑
- 1705420800000
- 1698595200000
- Divide , Evod , Oisel , Jonas Kopp , Mike Storm , Dj Surgeless , AZOGIAŘ , Albert Chiovenda , Inigo Kennedy , Uncode , Voyn , Simbiose , Aske , Grindvik , Stanislav Tolkachev , Joaquin Ruiz , Temudo , vil , Oblivian , LachrymaL , DIB , Base Research , Berkel , luca la rocca , Tommaso Arcuri , PTTRNRCRRNT , Booz , Giri , Various Artists
- 1686844800000
- 1674144000000
- 1665331200000