What We Saw from the Cheap Seats

What We Saw from the Cheap Seats

*有著深厚古典根基,赢得艺术和商业双赢的美貌实力兼具才女! * 再次和跨界鬼才Mike Elizondo(Sheryl Crow、Maroon 5、Eminem)合作! * 第一主打「All The Rowboats」被滚石杂志讚誉:《这位训练有素的古典钢琴家新曲,是首极尽经典颓废的巴洛克式讚歌,完全将追逐刺激感和合成乐节奏融入其中》! 入选VH1频道「你必须知道:快速窜升艺人」、Blender杂志「摇滚界百大火热女性」名单,让滚石、浮华世界、纽约时报等传媒一致推荐的好女声Regina Spektor,除了在艺术界获得无数掌声,更让电影【纳尼亚传奇:贾斯潘王子】、【姊姊守护者】、【杀手没有假期】、【恋夏500日】、影集【乱爱高校生】、【实习医生】、【CSI犯罪现场:纽约】、【犯罪心理】、【单身毒妈】…等商业片争相选用Regina Spektor亲笔撰写之歌谣! 出生莫斯科、成长于纽约布朗克斯,来自音乐世家的Regina Spektor,钢琴、吉他、贝斯都可任意把玩。17岁之前著迷于古典领域,直到接触大量嘻哈、摇滚、庞克乐种,才让自己的音乐视野开阔,后续并研习正统的编曲课程。才华洋溢的Regina开始在纽约酒吧表演,渐渐建立起名气并自製发行两张专辑"11:11"与"Songs"。受到The Strokes、Kings Of Leon、Keane等当红乐团青睐并邀约担任暖场佳宾,进而得到主流厂牌Sire注意而签入旗下,首度问市的"Soviet Kitsch",入籍NME的「2000年代百大经典专辑」名单。2006年的"Begin To Hope",全球销量突破百万大关,被选进滚石杂志「2006年50张最佳专辑」第21名。2009年的"Far",直接坐上告示牌季军席次,其中「Laughing With」更勇夺热门单曲销售第14名! 再次和跨界鬼才Mike Elizondo(Sheryl Crow、Maroon 5、Eminem)合作的2012最新专辑"What We Saw From The Cheap Seats",Regina由裡到外地将自我特色浓厚的元素保留,同时企图加入全新的风格尝试,要乐迷视听双感官完全为之一亮!第一主打「All The Rowboats」,交织连串诡谲电气声响,键盘的清脆敲击不绝于耳,滚石杂志讚誉:《这位训练有素的古典钢琴家新曲,是首极尽经典颓废的巴洛克式讚歌,完全将追逐刺激感和合成乐节奏融入其中》、告示牌推崇:《Regina终于善用她难忘的抒情故事来描述音乐,是极为戏剧性的突破》、娱乐周刊力捧:《这首歌,时而像轻敲钢琴键,时而像机关枪击鼓声重击,时而像博物馆绘画细密的构思,她那由轻描到深刻的手法,全都在极富戏剧性般地3分半钟内呈现》;将2002年独立专辑"Songs"中的「Ne Me Quitte Pas」旧作全新改编演绎的「Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas)」,舖满讨喜愉悦的旋律,充满夏日阳光般的小号瀰漫全曲,吸引所有注意力。《Regina对于流行乐曲絶对是信手拈来的创作,流行乐曲也肯定是她的专长之一》纽约时报如是说! What We Saw From The Cheap Seats was recorded over an eight week period this past summer in Los Angeles. Spektor wrote each of the 11 tracks on the album. She arrived at the session with a collection of new compositions, but others were pulled from earlier periods. She and Elizondo fleshed out instrumentation and sought to make each of the songs stand alone sonically. Most of the songs were recorded live with Spektor on piano and vocals, while additional instrumentation was added to these original takes. Of working with Spektor, Elizondo says Regina Spektor is that rare artist that continues to surprise. Just when you think you have her figured out, she knocks you out with something completely different. It s that spirit that drives this record. Each song takes you on a journey that only Regina is capable of providing. She has truly outdone herself.   Spektor studied classical piano and garnered a loyal live following in New York before self- releasing two albums. Her breakthrough album Soviet Kitsch was released by Sire Records in 2004 followed by Begin to Hope in 2006. The album included worldwide fan favorites Fidelity, Samson, On The Radio and Better and is certified gold in the U.S. Spektor followed up with far (2009) and Live from London (2010), which was recorded at the Hammersmith Apollo Theater during the far tour.

What We Saw from the Cheap Seats

Regina Spektor · 1337875200000

*有著深厚古典根基,赢得艺术和商业双赢的美貌实力兼具才女! * 再次和跨界鬼才Mike Elizondo(Sheryl Crow、Maroon 5、Eminem)合作! * 第一主打「All The Rowboats」被滚石杂志讚誉:《这位训练有素的古典钢琴家新曲,是首极尽经典颓废的巴洛克式讚歌,完全将追逐刺激感和合成乐节奏融入其中》! 入选VH1频道「你必须知道:快速窜升艺人」、Blender杂志「摇滚界百大火热女性」名单,让滚石、浮华世界、纽约时报等传媒一致推荐的好女声Regina Spektor,除了在艺术界获得无数掌声,更让电影【纳尼亚传奇:贾斯潘王子】、【姊姊守护者】、【杀手没有假期】、【恋夏500日】、影集【乱爱高校生】、【实习医生】、【CSI犯罪现场:纽约】、【犯罪心理】、【单身毒妈】…等商业片争相选用Regina Spektor亲笔撰写之歌谣! 出生莫斯科、成长于纽约布朗克斯,来自音乐世家的Regina Spektor,钢琴、吉他、贝斯都可任意把玩。17岁之前著迷于古典领域,直到接触大量嘻哈、摇滚、庞克乐种,才让自己的音乐视野开阔,后续并研习正统的编曲课程。才华洋溢的Regina开始在纽约酒吧表演,渐渐建立起名气并自製发行两张专辑"11:11"与"Songs"。受到The Strokes、Kings Of Leon、Keane等当红乐团青睐并邀约担任暖场佳宾,进而得到主流厂牌Sire注意而签入旗下,首度问市的"Soviet Kitsch",入籍NME的「2000年代百大经典专辑」名单。2006年的"Begin To Hope",全球销量突破百万大关,被选进滚石杂志「2006年50张最佳专辑」第21名。2009年的"Far",直接坐上告示牌季军席次,其中「Laughing With」更勇夺热门单曲销售第14名! 再次和跨界鬼才Mike Elizondo(Sheryl Crow、Maroon 5、Eminem)合作的2012最新专辑"What We Saw From The Cheap Seats",Regina由裡到外地将自我特色浓厚的元素保留,同时企图加入全新的风格尝试,要乐迷视听双感官完全为之一亮!第一主打「All The Rowboats」,交织连串诡谲电气声响,键盘的清脆敲击不绝于耳,滚石杂志讚誉:《这位训练有素的古典钢琴家新曲,是首极尽经典颓废的巴洛克式讚歌,完全将追逐刺激感和合成乐节奏融入其中》、告示牌推崇:《Regina终于善用她难忘的抒情故事来描述音乐,是极为戏剧性的突破》、娱乐周刊力捧:《这首歌,时而像轻敲钢琴键,时而像机关枪击鼓声重击,时而像博物馆绘画细密的构思,她那由轻描到深刻的手法,全都在极富戏剧性般地3分半钟内呈现》;将2002年独立专辑"Songs"中的「Ne Me Quitte Pas」旧作全新改编演绎的「Don't Leave Me (Ne Me Quitte Pas)」,舖满讨喜愉悦的旋律,充满夏日阳光般的小号瀰漫全曲,吸引所有注意力。《Regina对于流行乐曲絶对是信手拈来的创作,流行乐曲也肯定是她的专长之一》纽约时报如是说! What We Saw From The Cheap Seats was recorded over an eight week period this past summer in Los Angeles. Spektor wrote each of the 11 tracks on the album. She arrived at the session with a collection of new compositions, but others were pulled from earlier periods. She and Elizondo fleshed out instrumentation and sought to make each of the songs stand alone sonically. Most of the songs were recorded live with Spektor on piano and vocals, while additional instrumentation was added to these original takes. Of working with Spektor, Elizondo says Regina Spektor is that rare artist that continues to surprise. Just when you think you have her figured out, she knocks you out with something completely different. It s that spirit that drives this record. Each song takes you on a journey that only Regina is capable of providing. She has truly outdone herself.   Spektor studied classical piano and garnered a loyal live following in New York before self- releasing two albums. Her breakthrough album Soviet Kitsch was released by Sire Records in 2004 followed by Begin to Hope in 2006. The album included worldwide fan favorites Fidelity, Samson, On The Radio and Better and is certified gold in the U.S. Spektor followed up with far (2009) and Live from London (2010), which was recorded at the Hammersmith Apollo Theater during the far tour.


Regina Spektor的其他专辑