Die Feen:Act I: Warum, Zemina, seh' ich dich so traurig? (Farzana, Zemina)
Manuela Kriscak , Ulrike Sonntag , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Ihr Feen all! (Zemina, Farzana, Chorus of Fairies and Spirits, Chorus)
Manuela Kriscak , Ulrike Sonntag , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Was seh 'ich? (Gernot, Morald, Gunther)
Sebastian Holecek , Frieder Lang , Artur Korn , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Wo find' ich dich, wo wird mir Trost? (Arindal)
Raimo Sirkia , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Da steht ihr nun, so recht bejammernswert! (Gernot, Arindal)
Raimo Sirkia , Artur Korn , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: War einst 'ne bose Hexe wohl (Gernot)
Artur Korn , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Arindal! (Gunther, Arindal, Gernot, Morald)
Sebastian Holecek , Frieder Lang , Raimo Sirkia , Artur Korn , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Wie muss ich doch beklagen (Ada)
Sue Patchell , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Wo bin ich? Ach! (Arindal, Ada)
Sue Patchell , Raimo Sirkia , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Auf, Arindal, komm' jetzt mit uns von hinnen! (Morald, Gunther, Gernot, Morald's Companion, Chorus, Arindal, Ada, Farzana, Zemina)
Sebastian Holecek , Frieder Lang , Artur Korn , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act I: Dir tonet freudig unser Jubel (Chorus of Fairies, Morald's companions, Gunther, Morald, Arindal, Zemina, Farzana, Ada)
Sebastian Holecek , Frieder Lang , Raimo Sirkia , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: Weh! Uns, weh, wir sind geschlagen (Chorus, Lora)
Dagmar Schellenberger , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: O musst du, Hoffnung, schwinden (Lora, Bote, Chorus)
Alessandro Patalini , Dagmar Schellenberger , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: O Konig, sei gegrusst von deinem Volk! (Arindal, Morald, Lora, Ada, Farzana, Zemina)
Sue Patchell , Sebastian Holecek , Raimo Sirkia , Dagmar Schellenberger , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: Weh' mir, so nah' die furchterliche Stunde (Ada)
Sue Patchell , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: Wie ist dir's, Gunther (Gernot, Gunther)
Frieder Lang , Artur Korn , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: Wie? Seh' ich recht? (Drolla, Gernot)
Birgit Beer , Artur Korn , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: Hort ihr des Sturmes Brausen (All, Arindal, Lora, Morald, Drolla, Gunther, Gernot, Volk, Chorus of Warriors, Ada)
Sebastian Holecek , Raimo Sirkia , Dagmar Schellenberger , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: O seht die holden Kleinen (Lora, Drolla, Gunther, Chorus, Gernot, Arindal, Ada, Chorus of Warriors, Chorus of People, Zemina, Farzana)
Frieder Lang , Birgit Beer , Dagmar Schellenberger , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act II: O Gott, was horen wir (All, Ada, Arindal, Chorus of Warriors, Morald, Chorus, Drolla, Gunther, Gernot, Lora, Zemina, Farzana)
Sue Patchell , Sebastian Holecek , Raimo Sirkia , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act III: Heil sei dem holden Frieden (Chorus)
Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act III: Genug, o endet dieser Feste Jubel! (Morald, Lora, Chorus, Drolla, Gunther, Gernot)
Sebastian Holecek , Birgit Beer , Dagmar Schellenberger , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act III: Lasst alle Hunde los! (Arindal)
Raimo Sirkia , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act III: Ich seh' den Himmel dort sich offnen (Arindal, Ada, Groma)
Sue Patchell , Raimo Sirkia , Francesco Ruta , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act III: So ware uns're Ada denn gerettet (Farzana, Zemina)
Manuela Kriscak , Ulrike Sonntag , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act III: Ihr Geister, auf, bewachet treu (Chorus of earth spirits, Arindal, Chorus, Farzana, Zemina, Groma's voice, Chorus of bronze men, Invisible chorus of Groma's spirits)
Raimo Sirkia , Manuela Kriscak , Ulrike Sonntag , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act III: Doch jetzt erlahme seine Kraft! (Farzana, Arindal, Zemina, Chorus, Groma's voice)
Raimo Sirkia , Manuela Kriscak , Ulrike Sonntag , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra
Die Feen:Act III: O ihr, des Busens Hochgefuhle (Arindal, Ada, The Fairy King, Chorus, Zermina, Farzana)
Raimo Sirkia , Sue Patchell , Jyrki Korhonen , Gabor Otvos , Cagliari Theatre Chorus , Cagliari Theatre Orchestra