Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part I: L'Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth): Introduction
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part I: L'Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth): Les augures printaniers: Danses des adolescentes (The Augurs of Spring: Dances of the Young Girls)
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part I: L'Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth): Jeu du rapt (Ritual of Abduction)
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part I: L'Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth): Rondes printanières (Spring Rounds)
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part I: L'Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth): Jeu des cité rivales (Ritual of the Rival Tribes)
Igor Stravinsky , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part I: L'Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth): Cortège du sage (Procession of the Sage)
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part I: L'Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth): Le Sage (The Sage)
Igor Stravinsky , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part I: L'Adoration de la terre (Adoration of the Earth): Danse de la terre (Dance of the Earth)
Igor Stravinsky , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part II: Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): Introduction
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part II: Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes (Mystic Circles of the Young Girls)
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part II: Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): Glorification de l'Elue (Glorification of the Chosen One)
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part II: Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): Evocation des ancêtres (Evocation of the Ancestors)
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Igor Stravinsky , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part II: Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): Action rituelle des ancêtres (Ritual Action of the Ancestors)
Igor Stravinsky , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , 岩城宏之
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) Part II: Le Sacrifice (The Sacrifice): Danse sacrale (L'Elue) (Sacrificial Dance: The Chosen One)
Igor Stravinsky , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , 岩城宏之
Concerto for Orchestra: I. Introduzione (Introduction): Andante non troppo
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Béla Bartók , 岩城宏之
Concerto for Orchestra: II. Giuoco delle coppie (Game of Pairs): Allegro scherzando
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Béla Bartók , 岩城宏之
Concerto for Orchestra: III. Elegia (Elegy): Andante, non troppo
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Béla Bartók , 岩城宏之
Concerto for Orchestra: IV. Intermezzo interrotto (Interrupted Intermezzo): Allegretto
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Béla Bartók , 岩城宏之
Turangalîla-symphonie: I. Introduction: Modéré, un peu vif (At a moderate tempo, a little lively)
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: II. Chant d'amour (Love song) 1: Modéré, lourd (At a moderate tempo, heavy)
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: III. Turangalîla 1: Preque lent rêveur (Almost slow, dreamy)
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: IV. Chant d'amour 2: Bien modéré (At a very moderate tempo)
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: V. Joie du sang des étoiles (Joy of the Blood of the Stars): Vif, passionné avec joie (Lively, passionate with joy)
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: VI. Jardin du sommeil d'amour (Garden of Love's Sleep): Très modéré, très tendre (At a very moderate tempo, very tender)
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: VII. Turangalîla 2: Un peu vif, vien modéré (A little lively, at a very moderate tempo)
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: VIII. Développement d'amour (Development of Love): Bien modéré
Olivier Messiaen , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , 岩城宏之 , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: IX. Turangalîla 3: Bien modéré
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada
Turangalîla-symphonie: X. Final: Modéré, presque vif, avec une grande joie (At a moderate tepmo, almost lively, with great joy)
Olivier Messiaen , 岩城宏之 , Melbourne Symphony Orchestra , Kaori Kimura , Takashi Harada