

《Treachery》选择了以黑金属、敲击金属为基底,展现饱受残害的人们觉醒、抗争的历程,在寓示着安宁的清音段落被打破后,无情地闯入了狂风骤雨般的器乐与颇具撕裂感的人声,一如当年灾难的降临令人难以预料,随着段落间不断起伏的情绪变化,缓缓引出了盘旋着不断攀升的吉他Solo,为叙事的终结注入了更多光彩。 《Treachery》的创作灵感源于加拿大当地的真实历史事件,据史料记载在19世纪末至20世纪末的近百年间,加拿大曾有约15万当地儿童被迫离开家庭,进入外来者建立的寄宿学校学习“文明与文化”,遭受了多种生理、心理层面的迫害,当地人表现出的善意并未获得相应的回报,反而使得加拿大陷入了长久的阴翳当中。 当谎言与粉饰被尽数扫清,指向暴虐统治的仇恨终化为烈火。 <<Treachery>> is a fusion of Thrash and black metal influences, as our theme,we chose the life of North American indigenous children who have been tortured by the residential school system, the calm beginning of the song led by clean guitars could be seen as an analogy to the tranquility of the indigenous lifestyle before the culture clash with newly arrived European colonists. This is symbolized by the sudden change of pace right after the clean section, the tormented screams and the frantic drums contrast with the serenity of the previous section and lead into the rest of the fast paced song which then climaxes into the solo section which is reminiscent of th.


FalseGods伪神 · 1663516800000

《Treachery》选择了以黑金属、敲击金属为基底,展现饱受残害的人们觉醒、抗争的历程,在寓示着安宁的清音段落被打破后,无情地闯入了狂风骤雨般的器乐与颇具撕裂感的人声,一如当年灾难的降临令人难以预料,随着段落间不断起伏的情绪变化,缓缓引出了盘旋着不断攀升的吉他Solo,为叙事的终结注入了更多光彩。 《Treachery》的创作灵感源于加拿大当地的真实历史事件,据史料记载在19世纪末至20世纪末的近百年间,加拿大曾有约15万当地儿童被迫离开家庭,进入外来者建立的寄宿学校学习“文明与文化”,遭受了多种生理、心理层面的迫害,当地人表现出的善意并未获得相应的回报,反而使得加拿大陷入了长久的阴翳当中。 当谎言与粉饰被尽数扫清,指向暴虐统治的仇恨终化为烈火。 <<Treachery>> is a fusion of Thrash and black metal influences, as our theme,we chose the life of North American indigenous children who have been tortured by the residential school system, the calm beginning of the song led by clean guitars could be seen as an analogy to the tranquility of the indigenous lifestyle before the culture clash with newly arrived European colonists. This is symbolized by the sudden change of pace right after the clean section, the tormented screams and the frantic drums contrast with the serenity of the previous section and lead into the rest of the fast paced song which then climaxes into the solo section which is reminiscent of th.

