The Anatomy Of Noise
"In preparation for the 3rd edition of FAM-Festival (Festival für Andere Musik) in 2000 at Staatsbank Berlin Ignaz Schick commissioned a new electro-acoustic quartet consisting of Andrea Ermke, Annette Krebs, Andrea Neumann and Schick himself. The combination was evident as the selected musicians were at the time four of the most uncompromising and significant „electronic“ players of the still young Berlin Echtzeitmusik scene. All four are highly individual and innovative instrumentalists who were researching unique sonic materials working primarily with object sounds and using amongst others strong amplification, everyday objects, field recordings, feedback, mixing desk noise and other unusual sources as musical material. The four were already interacting in various group constellations and were quite familiar with each others approaches as they had been rehearsing and researching together since around 1996/1997 (i.e. in Rotophormen, Petit Pale, Cox Orange, Ananax, Roananax, RHO, …). The music selected for this album is the first unedited meeting (first day) of a three day rehearsal period in January 2000 at Andrea Neumann’s house. The quartet only performed two concerts and disbanded short after. Except for Andrea Ermke the rest... more credits released November 30, 2020 Andrea Ermke (minidisc players, sampler) Annette Krebs (electro-acoustic guitar) Andrea Neumann (inside piano, mixing desk) Ignaz Schick (cd & minidisc players, contact mics, objects, electronics) Recorded January 28th 2000 directly to DAT at Pappelallee 5 Berlin Mastered 2020 by Ignaz Schick at Q-136 Berlin All music by Andrea Ermke/Annette Krebs/Andrea Neumann/Ignaz Schick Copyright by Zangi Music/Zarek & the artists 2020 ZORA22 [Zarek Online Release Archive]