Reel the words I say and let the film replay, Tabernacl back at the black gates, there's a pale face, Tabernacl All my lines, they were so unsure they tangle and wind and wrap around my feet and out they haul me now, onto hangdog street Reel the words I say and let the film replay, Tabernacl back at the black gates, you've an honest way, Tabernacl Into a sweat I break and soon my breath away, Tabernacl Stumbling through the haze, at the break of day, Tabernacl All my lines, they were so unsure they tangle and wind and wrap around my feet and out they haul me now, onto hangdog street Out, out! Be the fateful thing you are you are, you are, you are you are, you are, you are Tabernacl
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