Sweet And S'ours

Sweet And S'ours

released October 26, 1982 "The duo’s range and moods throughout is somewhere between the very earthy work of Jeanne Lee and the more pyrotechnical expression of Jay Clayton. Nichols and Tippetts work through chants, drones and natural intertwining of souls that belies their friendship, often accompanying themselves with various percussion instruments and junk. Intimate and pleasing." -- Milo Fine, Cadence "Where 'Sweet And S’Ours' scores is in its diversity of emotion; from the hysterical opener 'Rabbiting' (just that) to more serious pieces ('Wind Forest' and 'Whaling') which make extensive use of multitracking and sundry instrumentation, not all of it conventional." -- City Limits (UK) Maggie Nicols: voice, recorder, bongos, lammer, pipe, blowing into vacuum cleaner tubes Julie Tippetts: voice, recorder, bottles, cymbal bells, bongos, concertina, blowing into vacuum cleaner tubes Recorded by Keith Beal in June 1978 at the Riverside Studios in London. Album produced by Jost Gebers. Cover design by Julie Tippetts. Photographs by Anita Corbin.

Sweet And S'ours

Maggie Nicols · 404409600000

released October 26, 1982 "The duo’s range and moods throughout is somewhere between the very earthy work of Jeanne Lee and the more pyrotechnical expression of Jay Clayton. Nichols and Tippetts work through chants, drones and natural intertwining of souls that belies their friendship, often accompanying themselves with various percussion instruments and junk. Intimate and pleasing." -- Milo Fine, Cadence "Where 'Sweet And S’Ours' scores is in its diversity of emotion; from the hysterical opener 'Rabbiting' (just that) to more serious pieces ('Wind Forest' and 'Whaling') which make extensive use of multitracking and sundry instrumentation, not all of it conventional." -- City Limits (UK) Maggie Nicols: voice, recorder, bongos, lammer, pipe, blowing into vacuum cleaner tubes Julie Tippetts: voice, recorder, bottles, cymbal bells, bongos, concertina, blowing into vacuum cleaner tubes Recorded by Keith Beal in June 1978 at the Riverside Studios in London. Album produced by Jost Gebers. Cover design by Julie Tippetts. Photographs by Anita Corbin.