Embark on an enchanting musical voyage with "Something," the mesmerizing single by the young and talented Brazilian producer, Leoni Fx. In this sonic masterpiece, Leoni Fx weaves a captivating tale that will leave you spellbound. "Something" is a fusion of emotive melodies, pulsating beats, and a touch of Brazilian flair, showcasing Leoni Fx's unique and innovative approach to music production. With meticulous attention to detail, Leoni Fx crafts a sonic landscape that tugs at the heartstrings and stirs the soul. 360 Music Records.
Leoni FX的其他专辑
- Noyx , Witchislav , Dreamvibes! , Enarxis , LUM1NA , Naze , Freenomo , FloorQuix , Bassam Jalid , Woza , Alfa , Neuroattack , Leoni FX , Sharmatix , Sonata Spacial , Rinkadink , Tomasian , Nico Perez , Soul Lied , Albert Hoffman , Black 21 , Unstable
- 1698768000000
- 1689523200000
- 1688054400000
- 1679846400000
- 1672934400000