M2M首张专辑Shades Of Purple于2000年3月发行, M2M包办所有的词曲创作,并请到 spice girls(辣妹)、Backstreet Boys(后街男孩)、Britney Spears(小甜甜布兰妮)…… 等当红艺人团体的专辑制作人倾力操刀。此专辑不但获得听众的喜爱,连美国乐评也一致推崇,许多知名音乐杂志都给予相当高的评价,包括了滚石杂志三颗半星的肯定。 by Heather Phares M2M's debut album Shades of Purple features more of the sweet yet down-to-earth pop that made their single "Don't Say You Love Me" so successful. Marit Larsen and Marion Ravn write many of their own songs (a rarity in the teen-pop world), and the confessional lyrics on tracks like "Don't Mess With My Love," "Do You Know What You Want," and "Dear Diary" add a healthy dose of reality to the album's slick production and the girls' somewhat sugary voices. Overall, Shades of Purple is a strong debut from a young group that still sounds fresh and innocent -- also something of a rarity in teen pop.
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- 重温那些年 火遍青春的经典金曲……
- 在学校时,背单词是不是最让你头疼的事之一呢? 每天英语课前听写单词是否成为了你的“小噩梦”呢? 听写没及格不罚写还好,一罚写就要累成狗喽! 不过亲爱的英语老师似乎没从来没有放弃过我们,利用课前课间的英文歌很快让“小学霸”们爱上了英语学习! 哪首英文歌让你记忆深刻呢? 哪首歌音乐一响就让你想起你亲爱的英文老师呢? 快来听听君君的歌单,一定有你想要的!!!
- 歌名可能不知道,但是旋律响起你一定熟悉