Reconnaissance EP

Reconnaissance EP

Navigating sonic realms, ASEC and Delano Legito embark on a rhythmic expedition. This split EP delves into organic and expressive synth lines and grooves, crafting a focused journey through dark and introspective soundscapes, tailor-made to move the dancefloor. Cat. No OCSDGTL013 - all rights reserved.

 Mastered By Conor Dalton.

Reconnaissance EP

ASEC · 1700582400000

Navigating sonic realms, ASEC and Delano Legito embark on a rhythmic expedition. This split EP delves into organic and expressive synth lines and grooves, crafting a focused journey through dark and introspective soundscapes, tailor-made to move the dancefloor. Cat. No OCSDGTL013 - all rights reserved.

 Mastered By Conor Dalton.

