衍生。 全部的声音和音乐都来自我的模块化合成器系统,通过演凑实体合成器来产生,不使用DAW;用耳机或者高质量的音箱收听效果更佳,谢谢。我设计所有的封面。 All the sounds and music come from my modular synthesizer system, produced by playing a solid synthesizer, without using DAW; listening with headphones or high-quality speakers is better, thank you. I design all the covers.
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- 群星 , Glass Bystander , Nebular S , EXCILLEX , 卵生の生理痛蠕虫 , Yu Hein , Aplx , 阳莯 , 瀟梟嘯瀟梟 , Random The Name , Straylight Run , mafmadmaf
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