

DOCTA’s inaugural release redefines compositional boundaries through four distinctive sound explorations. The title track sets the mood, combining dispersed industrial overtones with broken, unconventional grooves – a blueprint that anticipates the architecture of the entire EP. Voiski then reimagines PadreMadre as an intricate crescendo, with new elements emerging, scattering and finally coalescing in a vast, cohesive soundscape. The remaining two tracks further elaborate Luizar’s vision, leveraging textural pitch envelopes and ambivalent tonalities; but while Lasciare Andare retains a pragmatic club identity, Consapevolezza instead indulges in a wavering arrangement that challenges conventions, opening up exciting new avenues for DOCTA’s future artistic statements.


Luizar · 1669219200000

DOCTA’s inaugural release redefines compositional boundaries through four distinctive sound explorations. The title track sets the mood, combining dispersed industrial overtones with broken, unconventional grooves – a blueprint that anticipates the architecture of the entire EP. Voiski then reimagines PadreMadre as an intricate crescendo, with new elements emerging, scattering and finally coalescing in a vast, cohesive soundscape. The remaining two tracks further elaborate Luizar’s vision, leveraging textural pitch envelopes and ambivalent tonalities; but while Lasciare Andare retains a pragmatic club identity, Consapevolezza instead indulges in a wavering arrangement that challenges conventions, opening up exciting new avenues for DOCTA’s future artistic statements.