

"Ocelot" is a captivating exploration of Afro House, brought to life by the talented duo White Flamingo and Black Mamba, and proudly presented by Amen Companny Records. This track invites listeners into a rich tapestry of organic sounds, where rhythmic timbales, exotic bird calls, and haunting flute melodies intertwine to create an atmosphere both primal and refined. The soulful African vocal accents add an emotional depth, making "Ocelot" not just a song, but an immersive musical experience. With every beat, this track bridges distant traditions and contemporary sounds, leaving an indelible impression on the global electronic scene. Experience "Ocelot" now on all major digital platforms, delivered with passion by Amen Companny Records.


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"Ocelot" is a captivating exploration of Afro House, brought to life by the talented duo White Flamingo and Black Mamba, and proudly presented by Amen Companny Records. This track invites listeners into a rich tapestry of organic sounds, where rhythmic timbales, exotic bird calls, and haunting flute melodies intertwine to create an atmosphere both primal and refined. The soulful African vocal accents add an emotional depth, making "Ocelot" not just a song, but an immersive musical experience. With every beat, this track bridges distant traditions and contemporary sounds, leaving an indelible impression on the global electronic scene. Experience "Ocelot" now on all major digital platforms, delivered with passion by Amen Companny Records.


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