被《纽约时报》誉为“中国Hip-Hip界突破性明星说唱组合 - Higher Brothers” 的四位成员之一, KK在12月12日通过88rising发布了他的首张个人专辑《Mr. Enjoy Da Money》,由此正式更名为KK,并拉开Higher Brothers四人solo计划帷幕。 《Mr. Enjoy Da Money》是一张非常独特,充满惊喜,和KK本人一样有趣的专辑。专辑中的软硬部分相兼,一半是高能量的Trap音乐,一半是拥有浪漫氛围的情歌,专辑中多变的音乐风格为KK首次的个人亮相奠定了完美的舞台。他从生活中的方方面面汲取灵感,如果你仔细聆听,你会发现贝多芬和Rich the Kid,Santa Monica和成都,侠盗猎车手,华尔街之狼等各种灵感足迹。 这张专辑是KK在现实生活中进行角色扮演游戏的体现。他动感十足又宽广的音域无缝地贯穿了他的主要角色 - Mr. Enjoy Da Money, 以及他在此过程中创建的所有其他角色:Bentley先生,Mafia Cashier,Baby CEO,和Mr. Right等。这些人物共同构成了KK鲜明的个性特征,他们表现在每一场演出,对当下的信服,对未来的梦想,以及过去的苦甜回忆中。 此张专辑内含13首全新创作歌曲,不仅包含代表Higher Brothers水准的中国顶尖Hip-Hop佳作,更有无法取代的Know式R&B金曲,体现KK说唱俱佳的多面天赋。同组兄弟马思唯也将贡献两首强力feature,还有早前在88rising年度厂牌合集《HITC II》中表现颇为突出的王嘉尔的加盟。KK自上学就一起做音乐的好友BABYBO也有出色助阵单曲。KK还在这张专辑中献上一颗彩蛋:重新演绎《HITC II》中的亿级播放单曲I Love You 3000 II,带来融入KK亲身经历的I Love You 3000 III版本。 最值得关注的是,在专辑发行之前,KK在Higher Brothers的演出现场曾提前披露过的R&B All Night,引起全网空前关注热潮,不同版本翻唱层出不穷,这几乎是乐坛从未有过的歌曲尚未正式发布却已成金曲的奇景,歌迷求R&B All Night发布的呼声从未间断,如今R&B All Night正式版本终于发布,相信这首歌,乃至KK的首张个人专辑都将成为今年最亮眼的音乐作品之一。 As the first solo project from KK (one fourth of rap group Higher Brothers, hailed “the current breakout stars of the Chinese hip-hop world” by The New York Times), Mr. Enjoy Da Money is an album as unique, surprising, and entertaining as the artist himself. Equal parts hard and soft, one half high energy trap music and one half vibey love songs, the wide range of musical styles on the album sets the perfect stage for KK’s solo debut. He draws inspiration from far and wide, high and low. Listen closely and you’ll find traces of Beethoven and Rich the Kid, Santa Monica and Chengdu, Grand Theft Auto, Wolf of Wall Street and more. In addition to the album title, Mr. Enjoy Da Money is the name of KK’s streetwear brand, upcoming record label, and his main alter ego. The album is the manifestation of KK’s real-life role playing game. His dynamic and versatile vocal range seamlessly flows through his main persona—Mr. Enjoy Da Money— and all the other characters he creates along the way: Mr. Bentley, Mafia Cashier, Baby CEO, Mr. Right, and more. These figures are not so much distinct characters as they are facets of KK’s personality, refracted through each performance and the make believe of the present, dreams of the future, and bittersweet memories of the past. Notable features on the album include Jackson Wang (“Face Power”), Higher Brothers bandmate Masiwei (“Uncomfortable” and “Ik Hou Van Jou [I Love You]”), and Mr. Enjoy Da Money artist BABYBO (“Higher Speed Club”).
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Higher Brothers的其他专辑
- #忍住不唱不跳大挑战 忍 者 无 敌 Not Rap / Dance challenge sorry:因版权问题部分歌曲无法播放!
- 如果你也喜欢马思唯,你可能也会喜欢这些歌曲
- 听着轻快的音乐,享受着自然风光的美好。