Episode twelve of the Morobuzz series, titled "Bigwa" by Fredrick Mulla, showcases the lyrical prowess of a talented artist reflecting on his smooth style and profound connections. The lyrics paint a picture of a rapper who is effortlessly cool, likening himself to pebbles and claiming global influence with his "cables" that connect Bongo to the world. He emphasizes his unwavering focus on his goals, even in the face of conflict, staying straight and true to his ambitions. Mulla references notable figures in the hip-hop scene, expressing his desire to achieve greatness like Gambit Benko and Solo Thang, while asserting his own special talent that makes people move. He stands firm in his truth, dismissing the need to prove himself to others, and dedicates every minute to self-improvement. Despite critics, he remains unbothered and cool, focusing on his craft in the studio, slicing samples and delivering sharp rhymes. His confidence shines through as he invites others to witness his skills, promising a fresh sound that stands out in the rap scene. The lyrics reflect his determination to continue pushing boundaries, drawing inspiration from advice to either collaborate more or keep delivering powerful solo performances. Fredrick Mulla’s "Bigwa" captures the essence of a dedicated artist committed to his journey, navigating the complexities of the music industry with poise and resilience, and consistently producing a "new wave" of impactful music.
Fredrick Mulla的其他专辑
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Umoja Sounds的其他专辑
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