"Mindfolded" unfolds as a sonic tapestry, where ethereal atmospheres and pulsating rhythms converge to create a hypnotic musical experience. Witchislav's skillful craftsmanship shines through as each note weaves seamlessly into the next, guiding listeners on a transformative journey of the mind. Witchislav's latest single promises an unforgettable exploration of progressive psytrance. Let "Mindfolded" be your guide as you navigate the intricate landscapes of the mind, where Witchislav's talent shines brightly, delivering a musical experience that resonates with depth and introspection, leaving a lasting impression on the listener's soul. 360 Music Records Presents.
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- Noyx , Witchislav , Dreamvibes! , Enarxis , LUM1NA , Naze , Freenomo , FloorQuix , Bassam Jalid , Woza , Alfa , Neuroattack , Leoni FX , Sharmatix , Sonata Spacial , Rinkadink , Tomasian , Nico Perez , Soul Lied , Albert Hoffman , Black 21 , Unstable
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