美国流行歌手麦姐MADILYN发布全新EP《Little Fish》,包含Little Fish的3个版本,中文版、中英双语版和英文版,是麦姐特地为中国粉丝MAD FAM准备的礼物。8月8日下午1点,MADILYN将空降Little Fish(中英双语版)歌曲评论区,请提前留言,定好闹钟,准时来占领前排吧~ “我身处在这世上的什么位置?最近我一直在问自己这个问题。这段时间以来,我们的生活发生了许多令人震惊的变化,但问题的答案似乎和往常一样——我们都是像大海中的小鱼一样。然而,尽管如此,我们依然有能力做伟大的事情。一座山,从山脚往上看总是遥不可攀的,但只要我们走一步再走一步,总有一天,我们终将翻越山峰。所以,小鱼们,让我们继续怀揣梦想前行吧!我知道这个世界现在有些疯狂,但我相信柳暗花明的那天很快就会到来。” -------- MADILYN “What is my place in this world? Recently I have been asking myself that question a lot. Life as we know it has changed so much and that has shaken a lot of us up. But the answer is the same as it has always been. We are all little fish but we are all capable of great things. Sure, the mountain can appear impossible to climb when looking at it from the bottom but if you take one step and then the next, the mountain becomes climbable. Keep dreaming my little fish... I know the world seems crazy right now but beautiful things are on the other side of all of this. I believe in you!” -------- MADILYN
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