Your religion is a coping Mechanism for you life And the attraction that has laid Out with no action, it's died My head on a crooked arm My pillow for the night I have lost my reason to fight I can't see you It's return It's return I suppose that you have gotten So great now that none Can speak to you The right substance A camelhair brush A patterned finger, and the skin I despise you More than you will ever know Epitomising desolation row Come to me Come to me My hell in vain Like plastic in a flame I distort And mould myself Around your body burnt I'm numb from pain When your return Heralds my final gain I see the yellow of your eyes It hurts you as I sympathize I died but you also lost your lives How proud you mother lied But its my family that mocks The cries ringing through Courtroom walls A dampened cell Where daylight falls on you Like plastic in a flame
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