Let in the Light

Let in the Light

You don’t know a thing ‘bout me And I don’t know a thing I’m just trying to retrace the lines between all of my vices And what they call unraveling I keep painting my sky black and blue Why do I keep thinking I still see you Turning lights out in my room Leaving me bruised There’s no rhyme for painful things And reasons don’t come cheap No use jumping to solutions when I need time with confusion To see straight in the suffering I keep thinking that I’ll get somewhere When all the dust has settled and I’ll find it there Perfect pieces tongue and groove Sent from you Cut and dry delusions fade When sunlight gets too close But when will my illusions change To something I can hold If there’s truth out there it’s scared of me Running from the day it has to set me free Still it’s what I’ll never know That pulls me close

Let in the Light

Jonah Horton · 1728576000000

You don’t know a thing ‘bout me And I don’t know a thing I’m just trying to retrace the lines between all of my vices And what they call unraveling I keep painting my sky black and blue Why do I keep thinking I still see you Turning lights out in my room Leaving me bruised There’s no rhyme for painful things And reasons don’t come cheap No use jumping to solutions when I need time with confusion To see straight in the suffering I keep thinking that I’ll get somewhere When all the dust has settled and I’ll find it there Perfect pieces tongue and groove Sent from you Cut and dry delusions fade When sunlight gets too close But when will my illusions change To something I can hold If there’s truth out there it’s scared of me Running from the day it has to set me free Still it’s what I’ll never know That pulls me close