當一群落腳於他鄉的流亡之人,藉由集體的無意識,將自身的動盪不安與暴力投射於原居民上。他們一邊展現出他者於意識的世界中,同時也將那集體的無意識揭露於世世代代子孫的未知黑暗領域之中。 加緊腳步吧,那些踏向荒蕪之地與虛空之海的人們。 在這載浮載沉的世界裡,一切早已一去不復返了。 The collective unconscious of a exiled people arrive on a new land and project the inner turmoil and violence onto the native population. As they displace others in this conscious world, they displace their own collective unconscious into a space of uncharted darkness for generations to come. God speed to those that tread the dark lands and dark seas of the void. Everything is long gone, within this floating world.