Prepare to embark on a thought-provoking sonic odyssey with "Intelligence Life," a collaboration between the seasoned Mexican producer, Black 21, and the emerging artist, Arttax. This single is a testament to their creative synergy, offering a unique and mind-expanding musical experience. "Intelligence Life" unfolds like an enigmatic journey through intricate melodies, pulsating rhythms, and futuristic soundscapes. Black 21 and Arttax's artistic brilliance is on full display as they craft a sonic masterpiece that takes you on a quest to explore the depths of consciousness. 360 Music Records presents.
Black 21的其他专辑
- Noyx , Witchislav , Enarxis , MJFuNk , LUM1NA , Alfa , Woza , Beek , Radiostatic , Bassam Jalid , Mirror World , Chemical Drive , Epiphanyc , Black 21 , Nax , Quantum , Dreamvibes! , Sharmatix , Don Quixote , Fikus , Creative Mind , DynaMixx , A2B2 , Sacred Secret , Nemel , KORS , Exode
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