

人们的现在都是过去的积累。 这首"Home"老莫找来满人回溯至90年代,去了纽约,再回到台北。 青涩的时期对家乡的思念,还有往返两地旅居的不适应,都堆栈刻画着家的形状。 “What we call the present is given shape by an accumulation of the past.” - Haruki Murakami ILL MO recruits Manchuker in his new single "Home", traveled to New York and then back in Taipei. Both the homesickness from adolescence and the out-of-placeness from going back and forth two cities stack and refine the shape pf home.


老莫 ILL MO · 1575561600000

人们的现在都是过去的积累。 这首"Home"老莫找来满人回溯至90年代,去了纽约,再回到台北。 青涩的时期对家乡的思念,还有往返两地旅居的不适应,都堆栈刻画着家的形状。 “What we call the present is given shape by an accumulation of the past.” - Haruki Murakami ILL MO recruits Manchuker in his new single "Home", traveled to New York and then back in Taipei. Both the homesickness from adolescence and the out-of-placeness from going back and forth two cities stack and refine the shape pf home.