Hello Lunar

Hello Lunar

月光见证着无数生命的阴晴圆缺, 但是又有无数的人在月色下祈福 让月光照亮他们的路 人生幽幽 月幽幽 Under the moonlight's gentle glow,
Countless lives wax and wane slow.
Yet beneath this silver light,
Prayers are whispered into the night. They wish for moonbeams to softly trace,
The paths they tread, with silent grace.
Life flows quietly, dimly lit,
As does the moon, in its tranquil wit.

Hello Lunar

马峻升 · 1726243200000

月光见证着无数生命的阴晴圆缺, 但是又有无数的人在月色下祈福 让月光照亮他们的路 人生幽幽 月幽幽 Under the moonlight's gentle glow,
Countless lives wax and wane slow.
Yet beneath this silver light,
Prayers are whispered into the night. They wish for moonbeams to softly trace,
The paths they tread, with silent grace.
Life flows quietly, dimly lit,
As does the moon, in its tranquil wit.

