Continuation - Thank you for attention and help! - they waved to their night rescuer. -Well, so starts the most interesting - said Arcy drawing every his word. -And gravest one - concluded Stan looking in citys view. -Come on! The city was dreadful indeed - unpopulated streets, abandoned homes. Even the soft light of a daybreak could not make it attractive. The empty eyes of houses, the groans of doors. It all seemed like some ghost was just about to appear. And so it did. There came a shadow in front of rundown house. They all sprang back. It moved slowly approaching, nearer and nearer, becoming more distinct, is if it started being covered with skin, and at this moment they saw. -Granny! - cried Arcy. -Dear! Im so glad to see you! - Arcy and his granny met in fast embracement. - Ive been waiting for you for so long. And finally youve come! Welcome to you and all of your friends. This is the City of Bygone Spirits, we live a good life here! We celebrate the unearthly life here! She moved her hand aside to the city and it opened a new world. Everything there became illuminated and started hopping! The houses were whelmed with creatures: people, children, animals and anubises! All of them were dancing, singing, eating, filling tea out. It resembled both the best carnival and the brightest color feast, in the other world. -Amazing! - the anubises were astonished, they were going across the whole city and were looking to the sides with admiration. This was better than any other circus they had ever seen. Here was cane-man, there were Siamese twins, here walking tree, there - thumb-sized boy and girl, and all were so pretty, so interesting. The anubises were enchanted by the display. Stan met his younger brother Percy, who used to play the fife. They settled under a tree to play together. Sean wandered into a pub, and found his father there. Arcys Granny allured him to have a family teaparty with his relatives. Augustus was walking around and could not understand where all had gone. He remembered Cows instruction - never break apart stick together and trust only each other. -Oh God!! I lost all of them! What should I do? - Augustus thought out loud while strolling around the city of the dead, who were having fun more active than any living one. He was feeling sleepy. 24 hours passed complete unnoticeably. -I must collect all of us. How? Wait a minute, Ive got the Feather of Luck! I need to call it for help. He fetched it out of his small sack the magic feather, and it glittered in the dark. -How can I find my friends? - posed a question the wolf. The feather ascended in the air, and called the wolf in. The wolf followed. The shadows and the creatures were going on dancing, and forced his way through the self-obsessed crowd, embraced couples, musicians with strange instruments. at last he came into the bar, where he found Sean, half-dead of the whiskey with amount he managed to drink. -Sean, quick, we gotta go! Remember what we are here for? -Im ere to see my father! - said Sean in drunken and joyful voice. - Im not goin nowhere, I feel good in here, too. Look what fun is this! -Come on pack yourself, lets go! I need you. Weve got a mission. You cant just sit and change your mind, weve got a plan. We need to keep to it. Lets come and search for others. -Dad is my friend. He needs my help. Ill come back soon. Dont go nowhere, - said Sean, following Augustus dragging him to exit. The feather was flowing by in the air, and then they found Stan, under the deadwood covered with lanterns. He was nearly sleeping. -Hey, hey! No sleeps! Up, get up quick! Theres a great danger to stay here forever! Now I see that youre losing your memory as it is. - Augustus seemed the only one to stay in his mind among that mess. -Im not sleeping, - Stan idly tumbled. Augustus took his magic guitar and started playing. Absentmindedly, Stan continued with his part on his harmonica, and all at once began to wake up. To be continued
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