《General Pleasure》EP是SOTI Music旗下音乐人Cci与新锐设计师Ted Lin合作,为服装品牌NILDET在中国国际时装周的S/S 2022 "Ordinary Landscape"时装秀创作的秀场配乐。大量实体采样元素的碰撞以及909鼓组稳定的行进营造的氛围与秀场的服饰、步伐融合,打造一种前卫的视觉听觉体验。 General Pleasure, the new EP from SOTI Music's Cci is a runway soundtrack made in collaboration with Ted Lin for his S/S 2022 fashion show "Ordinary Landscape" at China Fashion Week. The clash of a number of different samples and the steady steps of 909 drums combine with the clothing and the movement to create a futuristic listening/waatching experience. 「一位音乐人的乐趣更多在于发现新的声音,在探索的过程中塑造自我,拒绝刻意,追求自然,同时能够包容万物。」 -Cci "The fun part of being a musician is that we're always looking for new sounds, learning while exploring, to make things seem natural and easy and to become more accepting in the process." -Cci 编曲Producer:Cci 作曲Composer:Cci 监制Executive Producer:UNTECHCIRCLE 封面设计Art Work:Ted Lin OP:SOTI Music
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- SOTI Music , 喜辰晨 , Paz Shina , Chris Timm , Broken Thoughts , Yu Hein , Gemini Yu , YangTao , Cci , jan Silen , Xiin , Sulumi , UNTECHCIRCLE
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