Seeing all of the victims of injustice, also being one of them, Chinese singer-songwriter ECHASL judges this mad world through her music. She spills the melodies out against feudalism in 21st century, ripping off the hypocritical mask over humanity. WIPE OUT SEXISM. WIPE OUT RACISM. WIPE OUT DISCRIMINATION. 对于现世遭遇不公平对待的大多数沉默者的不满,另类音乐女孩ECHASL用音乐在批判和宣泄中,揭开布满恐惧与泪水的人类伤疤,对21世纪漠视文化的一记重拳,也是肢解腐朽世俗陈旧观念的一场结构的狂欢。 Cover design:Gavin Su Art director: Baichuan (ZHUANG) Visual Director:Yanzi (ZHUANG) Executve producer: Pepper (ZHUANG) Photographer: Baichuan (ZHUANG) Executive art:S pu (ZHUANG) Producer Assistant: Cici Chan (ZHUANG) make up&hair:Pin (PIN ARTISTS) Executve stylist: Zhaokang Peng (PIN ARTISTS) Picture decoration:BOP STUDIO Photography assistant:Harbour Congs jimmy (ZHUANG) Copywriting: CATCH TAT, ECHASL A&R: CATCH TAT Media marketing: CATCH TAT Distribution: JIXING MEDIA Executive production:JIXING MEDIA


幸儿ECHASL · 1692288000000

Seeing all of the victims of injustice, also being one of them, Chinese singer-songwriter ECHASL judges this mad world through her music. She spills the melodies out against feudalism in 21st century, ripping off the hypocritical mask over humanity. WIPE OUT SEXISM. WIPE OUT RACISM. WIPE OUT DISCRIMINATION. 对于现世遭遇不公平对待的大多数沉默者的不满,另类音乐女孩ECHASL用音乐在批判和宣泄中,揭开布满恐惧与泪水的人类伤疤,对21世纪漠视文化的一记重拳,也是肢解腐朽世俗陈旧观念的一场结构的狂欢。 Cover design:Gavin Su Art director: Baichuan (ZHUANG) Visual Director:Yanzi (ZHUANG) Executve producer: Pepper (ZHUANG) Photographer: Baichuan (ZHUANG) Executive art:S pu (ZHUANG) Producer Assistant: Cici Chan (ZHUANG) make up&hair:Pin (PIN ARTISTS) Executve stylist: Zhaokang Peng (PIN ARTISTS) Picture decoration:BOP STUDIO Photography assistant:Harbour Congs jimmy (ZHUANG) Copywriting: CATCH TAT, ECHASL A&R: CATCH TAT Media marketing: CATCH TAT Distribution: JIXING MEDIA Executive production:JIXING MEDIA

