Winona Oak’s new single ‘Fragile Thing’ is a love song dedicated to your favourite people (and dogs). The ones that makes life worth living even through the hardest of times. “When I listen to this track it kind of makes me feel like I’m in a movie, just swaying through the night. I hope you will play this on a road trip with someone you love while watching the sun saying goodnight to the sky”. Over the last year, Winona Oak has delved into her songwriting, seeking a more unvarnished and stripped back sound that meant her poetic voice had nowhere to hide. The outcome is some of her most raw and authentic work yet, with a profound depth to her writing.
Winona Oak的其他专辑
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- “没有不可治愈的伤痛,没有不能结束的沉沦,所有失去的,会以另一种方式归来。” …… 风格不定 但一定是好听der✨ (佛系更新)
- 一个人的时候,学会与寂寞为伍,寻一处安静的地方,听治愈的歌曲,品音乐的旋律,独自一个人,享受孤独。 感谢收藏呀(っ˘зʕ•̫͡•ʔ 歌单会不定期更新的 哈哈哈今天听这个歌单居然被自己治愈到了ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ 最新更新时间:2024.12.3 【以后大部分更新英文歌,小部分更新纯音乐】
- 大自然 放空 发呆 书籍 音乐 静谧 感受 自由炽热 这是属于小蝴蝶治愈系列的歌单~ 天生敏感的性格 感觉自己难以融入这个世界 不妨换个角度看待问题 接纳你独特的灵魂 至少..试着享受作为infp存在于这世上的每分每秒 ———————————————————————— INFP人格追求内心的愉悦专注自我而忽视外界的纷扰 对这个世界充满想象力和好奇心 注重情感和情绪并且喜欢探索生活中未知 INFP人格也被称为小蝴蝶 是因为这一群人追逐美好、憧憬浪漫 也带着点亲近自然、无拘无束的意味