“花,你怎麼不說話 電話,你早就已經掛” 花的一生 就像愛情 生長,盛開,然後枯萎。 有些花凋謝了,永遠都不再開了。 有些人離開了,永遠都不再回來了 Making of the Song This song was supposed to be written for another artist, yet she rejected the song. Ended up being the final artist on the track, with only 5 layers of instrumentation, it portrays a minimal electronic R&B/soul vibe, singing & wanting the girl back. 原本寫給另一位歌手的這首歌,被拒絕了以後,成了現在的《花》。只有5個簡單的聲音層次,構成了一首簡單的電子R&B歌曲,靈魂呼喚般的歌聲挽回女孩。
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