“医 治 缝 合” 日夜焦虑无法入眠 且靠音乐医治缝合 将最真实的情感注入到这张专辑的每首歌曲 沉淀一年半载进行此专辑《Dr.Goat》的制作 通过极致的旋律和嗓音结合唱出对家人 音乐 兄弟 爱情的真实写照 近一年来跟随团队Yellow Fellow崭露头角 在一点点的积累与进步中交出这张mixtape作为沉淀后的答卷 Anxiety day and night unable to fall asleep,Just heal and mend by my music that I record. Inject the realest emotions into every projects of da album. I’ve been working hard for abou’ one year and a half for the album <Dr.Goat> recording. Sing a true portrayal of family, music,brother love,love through my melody and voice .I pop out with my mob “Yellow Fellow”in almost a whole year and I hand over the mixtape as the final answer through my daily build-up. Mix&Master by 4Goat&Young Cash Jason Cover art by万朵云
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