When they say that you're a Champagne Socialist, but do yo do this on the weekend too? Because I see you trying to make the most of this, the champagne socialist in you. You must have met me in a haze, I'm another fall out guy another cancel culture case. Now you act like Mrs May. I see you running through a cornfield on a lovely summers day. It's such a lovely summers day. Let's go to the voting booth, you want it so bad. Let's go create an argument with your Mum and Dad. You're so apologetic to the new latest fad, you're so mad. When they say that you're a Champagne Socialist, but do you do this on the weekend too? Because I see you trying to make the most of this, the Champagne Socialist in you. And all of the room gets excited when all of the people are fighting for space. And all of your friends get excited when all of the people are frightened to say what they say, so they all say the same. Now they're calling you a Dame. So you tag yourself in pictures so the world it knows your name. But they won't say it to your face, you're a glorious disaster, I hope you sink without a trace. How much do they pay? Let's go to the voting booth you want it so bad. Let's go create an argument with your Mum and Dad. You're so apologetic to the new latest fad. You're so mad. When they say that you're a Champagne Socialist, but do you do this on the weekend too? Because I see you trying to make the most of this, the Champagne Socialist in you. And all of the room gets excited when all of the people are fighting for space. And all of your friends get excited when all of the people are frightened to say what they say, so they all drink. Champagne. Champagne. Champagne. Champagne. Champagne.
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