Chakra One Balanced with Mother Earth (feat. Agnes Nagy, Valerie Nuzzolo, Dave Swanson & Georgo Lekov)
Frankie DiDonato and The New Illuminati Chamber Ensemble , Agnes Nagy , Valerie Nuzzolo , Dave Swanson , Georgo Lekov
Chakra Two Earthly Pleasures (feat. Agness Nagy & Valerie Nuzzolo)
Frankie DiDonato and The New Illuminati Chamber Ensemble , Agness Nagy , Valerie Nuzzolo
Chakra 3 Warrior of Self (feat. Agnes Nagy, Valerie Nuzzolo, Dave Swanson & Georgi Lekov)
Frankie DiDonato and The New Illuminati Chamber Ensemble , Agnes Nagy , Valerie Nuzzolo , Dave Swanson , Georgi Lekov
Chakra Four The Heart (feat. Agnes Nagy & Valerie Nuzzolo)
Frankie DiDonato and The New Illuminati Chamber Ensemble , Agnes Nagy , Valerie Nuzzolo
Chakra Five Communications (feat. Dave Swanson, Agnes Nagy & Valerie Nuzzolo)
Frankie DiDonato and The New Illuminati Chamber Ensemble , Dave Swanson , Agnes Nagy , Valerie Nuzzolo
Chakra Six Humanity and the Lotus (feat. Agnes Nagy, Valerie Nozzolo, Dave Swanson & Georgi Lekov)
Frankie DiDonato and The New Illuminati Chamber Ensemble , Agnes Nagy , Valerie Nozzolo , Dave Swanson , Georgi Lekov
Chakra Seven One (feat. Agnes Nagy & Valerie Nozzolo)
Frankie DiDonato and The New Illuminati Chamber Ensemble , Agnes Nagy , Valerie Nozzolo