势不可挡的2Cellos,2015年火力全开的第三张专辑“浩瀚无限”。 继红遍全球的“顶尖对决”与“二度交锋”后,最新专辑再度翻玩十二首流行摇滚。 大提琴重新演绎艾维奇2013电音冠军单曲,及迈克尔杰克逊、铁娘子合唱团、电台司令、AC/DC、斯汀等超级金曲。 提琴双杰首度改编大师汉斯季默《盗梦空间》电影配乐。并与钢琴巨星郎朗合作007《生死关头》主题曲。 如今我们可以断定,二十一世纪初改变世代引领潮流的音乐团体,就属The Piano Guys和2Cellos。“The Piano Guys”以Team Work表演模式带来综效性的感官享受,而“2Cellos”则是由两位帅哥在大提琴与流行乐这两个平行宇宙之间,建构令人惊艳的动感美学。继【顶尖对决】与【二度交锋】之后,2015年第三张专辑【浩瀚无限】,“2Cellos”又为乐迷打造出前所未有的崭新世界。 不到三十岁,来自斯洛文尼亚的Luka Šulić和来自克罗地亚的Stjepan Hauser,都拥有偶像明星级的俊美外型,更具备高超卓越的大提琴演奏才华。苏利克毕业于伦敦皇家音乐学院,曾获得赫赫有名的鲁托斯拉夫斯基国际大赛等首奖,而豪瑟毕业于曼彻斯特皇家北方音乐学院,同样是许多大提琴比赛的常胜军。两人原本应该是古典乐坛的竞争对手,但2011年在导演朋友的建议下,合拍迈克尔杰克逊名曲〈Smooth Criminal〉MV,成为网络最红的音乐视频,进而组成了魅力无法挡的“2Cellos”。 最新专辑【浩瀚无限】收录了十二首最新翻玩的精采曲目,第一首〈The Trooper Overture〉就是由铁娘子合唱团同名单曲搭配罗西尼《威廉退尔》序曲,再加上摇滚天团AC/DC的〈Thunderstruck〉佐维瓦尔第第四号大提琴协奏曲,同时精采演绎电台司令、斯汀、缪斯、蒙福之子乐团等摇滚金曲。此外,特别收录流行天王迈克尔杰克逊1996年的〈They Don't Care About Us〉,及顶尖电音DJ艾维奇2013年横扫全球的冠军舞曲〈Wake Me Up〉。 2Cellos更首次改编配乐大师汉斯季默的电影《盗梦空间》中两首经典,尤其脍炙人口的电影音效“BRAAAAM”,在大提琴真实琴音的演奏下更具魅力。而保罗麦卡尼1973年为007系列电影《生死关头》所写的主题曲,再次邀请钢琴巨星郎朗跨刀合作。压轴是提琴双杰亲自创作的专辑同名歌曲〈Celloverse〉,带有“航向宇宙,浩瀚无限”的新意涵。这张最新专辑中,2Cellos让大提琴再度歌舞,唱出性感的低吟,舞出爆炸的劲道,这就是提琴双杰颠覆世界的神奇魔力。 After watching the YouTube video of the two Croatian cellists with their impressive cover version of Michael Jackson's “Smooth Criminal” over 20 million times, their success was hard to stop. In addition to the world tour, where they accompanied Elton John as a special guest, they now also tour around the globe with their own program and inspire people worldwide with their captivating interpretations of well-known pop and rock songs. On their new album “Celloverse” they once again demonstrate their unique ability to completely reinvent modern rock and pop hits. And they have never been so versatile. On the album you can find, for example, the hit “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC (over 27 million views of the 2Cellos video), a metal meets-classic song by Iron Maden, Rossini's overture to William Tell or Mumford & Sons. Michael Jackson is also represented again with the world hit “They don't care about us”. Another highlight is the guest performance of no less than Lang Lang on Paul McCartney's classic “Live and let die”. “[The pieces are] always performed with great virtuosity without showmanship. And the two show by the way that they also have a sense of poetry — if, for example, they introduce a small contrapuntal intermezzo in Avicii's “Wake Me Up”. “
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