将独立摇滚、电子舞曲、Emo Punk、Hip-Hop/Rap尽情混搭的爽劲双人组,空降全美iTunes专辑榜冠军专辑! 一口气请到前卫电子嘻哈乐团Wallpaper.支柱Ricky Reed+跨界鬼才Mike Elizondo(Maroon 5、Eminem)+英国摇滚大师Mike Crossey(Arct ic Monkeys、Razorlight)齐力护航! 「Fairly Local」和「Tear In My Heart」连续两首主打,已全数夺下告示牌摇滚数位榜殿军席次! 请准备好,有趣的来了!想像一下,将独立摇滚、电子舞曲、Emo Punk、Hip-Hop/Rap尽情混搭,就连Pop元素也不迴避的大量取用,畅快淋漓的疯狂宣洩,没错,Twenty One Pilots就是这样极度疯狂,玩兴大开不受控制!虽是如此,长篇幅的词意内容,却提供发人省思的议题,同时鼓励寻找欢乐泉源,相信人生未来的美好,可以在一旁替你加油打气的乐团,怎能错过? 来自俄亥俄州哥伦布的Tyler Joseph,从小拥有过人的打篮球细胞,却毅然决然放弃大学奖学金,决定往音乐之路迈进,不仅能唱能饶,还精通钢琴、键盘、乌克丽丽等乐器。召唤高中时期的死党Nick Thomas和Chris Salih,三人以文学家Arthur Miller的【All My Sons】经典剧作为灵感,取名Twenty One Pilots。2009和2011年分别自制发行“Twenty One Pilots”、“Regional At Best”两张专辑,Nick及Chris相继离团,换上前House Of Heroes鼓手Josh Dun入替。他们的才情也被华纳唱片旗下子厂牌Fueled By Ramen赏识,成为Paramore、Panic! At The Disco、Gym Class Heroes师弟团。2013年的“Vessel”问市,也将Twenty One Pilots推向国际,征服英美两地排行,登上韩国国际专辑榜第7名,还是AP杂志『2013年十大典藏专辑』之一,入围MTV音乐奖『值得关注艺人』名单! 备受瞩目的新碟“Blurryface”,由Tyler负责所有词曲创作,一口气请到前卫电子嘻哈乐团Wallpaper.支柱Ricky Reed+跨界鬼才Mike Elizondo(Maroon 5、Eminem)+英国摇滚大师Mike Crossey(Arct ic Monkeys、Razorlight)齐力护航,藉由这些不同国籍、擅长不同领域的高手们,将暴走的多元节奏,挑动每个不安份的灵魂,一推出即空降全美iTunes专辑榜冠军!强力碰撞出嘻哈和电气火花的「Fairly Local」,还存在著诡谲气氛,另外弦乐和飘渺人声辅佐,形成强烈对比,情绪随时一触即发,顺利攀上告示牌摇滚数位榜殿军席次;爽朗帅劲的「Tear In My Heart」,享受这种通体舒畅的鲜明节拍,没有莽撞攻击,多了奔放的活力,二度夺下摇滚数位榜殿军位置;曲末的「Goner」,原先于2012年即已发表在YouTube平台,特别重新录制加收其中! Blurryface" is the forthcoming fourth studio album to come from Twenty One Pilots. They’re an alternative musical duo originating from Columbus, Ohio formed back in 2009 and consists of close friends Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun and after releasing two self-released albums (Twenty One Pilots / Regional at Best) they were signed to Fueled By Ramen in 2012 and then released their third studio album "Vessel" with them on 4 January 2013. The brand new release, "Fairly Local" is the lead single to be taken from the duo’s forthcoming fourth and second label album, "Blurryface" set to release on 19 May 2015 via Fueled By Ramen. "Fairly Local" premiered alongside the albums announcement on 17 March 2015, which also was the same release date for digital retailers. The announcement revealed the album’s title, track listing, release date, and the album’s official artwork. The next single from "Blurryface" will be "Tear In My Heart" and is set to be released onto digital retailers on 6 April 2015.
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