* 短短2年便囊括多达6座葛莱美大奖加冕,名列百大DJ前十强、「BBC Sound Of 2012」名单Top4的天才DJ/製作/混音高手! * 荣获2013年第55届葛莱美奖『最佳舞曲/电子专辑』、『最佳舞曲作品』双项大奖,勇夺英美舞曲榜冠军专辑! * 将Dubstep与Electro House、Drum and bass、Glitch Hop、Rock等风格融会贯通,提供舞棍最High的听觉享受! * 专辑同名单曲,已登记英国舞曲榜季军,在全美大破百万销售纪录! 不仅是Lady Gaga最爱的御用单曲混音师之一,更是音乐无国界地操刀过Bruno Mars、Snoop Dogg、Black Eyed Peas、A$AP Rocky,甚至坐镇Rob Zombie、Korn等艺人/团体作品的好评Remix作品。骨子裡流著重摇滚狂妄血液,却在电子舞曲界声名大噪的Skrillex,今年才25岁,就已经陆续挤进百大DJ前十强、佔据「BBC Sound Of 2012」名单To4,更在短短两年间,便囊括多达6座葛莱美大奖加冕! 本名Sonny John Moore的Skrillex,2004年加入Post Hardcore乐团From First To Last,担任主唱/吉他/键盘手等职位,就在音乐事业起步之际,因声带问题而动手术,也因此让Skrillex选择退团展开个人单飞生涯。2007年,在MySpace网页上发表3首Demo作品,进而获得葛莱美奖最佳金属团体Deftones主唱Chino Moreno另组的实验部队Team Sleep青睐,担纲暖场嘉宾并于现场贩售自己的作品。随后参加AP杂志所举办的大型演唱会,入籍「不可不知的年度百组乐团」名单!2008年正式启用Skrillex之名投入製作/混音领域,和超人气的Deadmau5共同举办世界巡迴,藉由大量曝光与天才的混音技巧,快速打开知名度! 此2012年初发表的第4张EP作品“Bangarang”,不仅勇夺英美两地舞曲榜冠军席次,更已荣获2013年第55届葛莱美奖『最佳舞曲/电子专辑』、『最佳舞曲作品』双项大奖!专辑中Skrillex如同魔法师般,将英伦正流行的Dubstep与Electro House、Drum and bass等风格融会贯通,提供舞迷们最High的听觉享受!打从同名曲「Bangarang」开始,便爆衝最呛辣的节拍、渗入Glitch Hop元素,加强其不羁野性,被运用为电影【The Watch巡逻惊很大】、ESPN的【X Game】极限游戏等的宣传配曲,登记英国舞曲榜季军,美国大破百万销售纪录;相当特别的「Breakn` A Sweat」,取样The Doors传奇主唱Jim Morrison的60年代部分访问谈话内容,选用于《极速快感:新全民公敌》电玩游戏之中;正点过瘾的「Kyoto」,置入拿手的摇滚气流贯穿,引荐饶舌酷妹Sirah精彩演绎;和前女友也是位居2010年BBC「英国新声音」名单首位的Ellie Goulding所合作的「Summit」,则散发迷离魅惑,令人目眩神迷! Nominated for five Grammy Awards, shortlisted for the prestigious BBC Sound of 2012 poll, and courted by everyone from Chicago producer Kaskade to metal icons Korn, former From First to Last frontman Sonny Moore's transition from post-hardcore vocalist to dubstep producer couldn't have realistically gone any smoother. However, despite his unprecedented success, there's still a question as to whether he can apply his now trademark, demonic, wobble bass drops and thumping syncopated beats to a whole album. Named after the battle cry of the lost boys in Steven Spielberg's Hook, his fourth consecutive EP Bangarang (also his first Top 40 entry in both the U.K. and U.S.) suggests he'll have to be on his game on the forthcoming full-length Voltage if he's to avoid an Emperor's New Clothes scenario. While the bombastic Wall of Sound displayed on 2010's Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites initially provided a unique take on the U.K. dubstep genre, Skrillex's lack of progression means there's a distinct sense of déjà vu among its seven tracks, particularly on the relentless, scattershot bleeps, chopped-up vocal hooks, and repetitive loops of opener "Right In" and the rap-metal fusion of "Kyoto." Even when he does think outside the box — as on "Right on Time," a percussive, hard house collaboration with 12th Planet and Kill the Noise which eventually builds into a feverish slice of happy hardcore, and "The Devil's Den," a chaotic hook-up with Wolfgang Gartner which takes in everything from old-school rave to ska to techno — the results are more headache-inducing than thrilling. There are a few more encouraging signs, such as the Doors-featuring "Breakin' a Sweat," which combines proggy guitar hooks, psychedelic organ chords, and Jim Morrison samples with a snarling, Prodigy-esque vocal and a filthy slab of dub bass to produce one of the year's most unexpectedly successful partnerships, and the multi-layered trance of closer "Summit," given an ethereal sheen thanks to Ellie Goulding's lilting tones, both of which suggest Skrillex should utilize his melodic leanings more often. But overall, Bangarang is a disappointingly formulaic affair which hints for the first time that the wheels may soon slowly begin to fall off.
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