This is just what all of us Anthem lights fans have been waiting for- an album with all of their beautiful covers! SO GOOD! And the two new songs "Best Thing" and Justin Bieber cover "All Around the World" are great too. So exciting for a true lightbulb like myself! So happy that they finally released all their covers into mp3s! Now I can listen to their wonderful voice everyday!! Love the new songs too!
Anthem Lights的其他专辑
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- Life is money,Life is life
- 好听的歌,第一次听就上头!好看的人,第一次看就心动! 长期更新,位置会随机放,建议开启随机播放/效果更佳哦! (歌单最后更新时间:2023.7.17)
- [节奏控专属歌单] 打击乐器节奏为骨,韵律为皮肉,词为血脉,思想为灵魂。 永远别让世俗淹没了生活的热情和浪漫。