My mom, Ariane, died on September 21 after a 10 year battle with cancer. This song has been part of my process of saying goodbye. I still reach for my phone to call or text her from time to time, forgetting that she's gone. It's been a slow process of letting go, and I gather I'm at the beginning stages of it all. As I wrote this song, I had a picture of mom and my sister Sharon in view. The two of them were in our garden in Nebraska in the summer of 1993 or 1994 - those colors, temperatures and memories worked their way into every fiber of this music...a time before difficulty, disease and loss. These years were the most simple in my life, and I wanted to imprint them in a lasting way. The very last thing mom said to me before she died was "look for my smile." I'm still not sure what she meant, but I wanted the photo I kept near me to be the album cover because of the light in her eyes. These melodies are for you, mom - and for your spirit living on in Sharon. I miss you so much. I wish you could have heard this. And Sharon, I am immensely grateful that you're my sister. I'm proud of your courage, compassion and resilience. You carry her elegance, grace and power so well...
Tony Anderson的其他专辑
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- 在每个人的心中都有真实的自我,或许你并没有找到,找到他的方法有很多,或许一瞬间或许一首音乐,都能让你找到真实的自我。 如果觉得音乐不好听的话,那也许是你听音乐的时间地点不对 纯音是要在合适的时间场所听才有韵味 歌单不定期更新。 歌单最下面的音乐更好哦! 虽然说封面是偷的,但音乐是自己精心挑选的,有的是日推,有的是找的。 喜欢别忘了分享转发哦! 如有好的歌曲希望私聊推荐给本人。或者通过添加QQ来推荐歌曲也可以,请标明来意 本人QQ:2993791761 希望大家多推荐歌曲! 听着第一首音乐看着封面,别有一番滋味哦!
- 我比自己的影子更寂靜,穿过纷纷扰扰的贪婪。 / 博尔赫斯
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