Dynasties and Dystopia (from the series Arcane League of Legends)
Denzel Curry , GIZZLE , Bren Joy
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- 已经把每一集的时间出现的主题曲、插曲、角色歌都标记住了!我最喜欢是第9集15:26金克丝帅气登场!简直帅爆!《Come Play》第一季第1集19:41坐电梯的那段《Playground》 (from the series Arcane League of Legends) 第2集34:56放唱片的那段《Our Love》 (from the series Arcane League of Legends) 第3集38:51希尔科怀抱爆爆的那段《Goodbye 》(from the series Arcane League of Legends) 第4集16:46转场酒吧祖安《Dirty Little Animals》 (from the series Arcane League of Legends) 第4集31:52希尔科在叫金克丝的那段《Get Jinxed》第5集30:25梦龙出现动画里的那段《Enemy feat》. J.I.D. (from the series Arcane League of Legends) 第6集29:50金克丝拿着姐姐给的信号弹《Guns for Hire 》(from the series Arcane League of )Legends) 第7集0:16鬼火帮开头片段《Misfit Toys 》(from the series Arcane League of Legends) 第7集33:58金克丝vs艾克《Dynasties and Dystopia》 (from the series Arcane League of Legends)
- 你要的双城之战bgm全在这里.愿每个人都能走出困境成就自我
- 封面作者Linger FTC 将英雄联盟官方的音乐全部招列在这里,希望让更多人知道拳头公司故事、人物、游戏和音乐的完美融合。