ArcadiaEdge Vol. 1 - Prologue

ArcadiaEdge Vol. 1 - Prologue

ArcadiaEdge presents /// Vol. 1 - Prologue 八个月前,为了弥补国内兽圈音乐组织的空白,为了挖掘更优秀的furry音乐爱好者,几个小动物共同创立了「绒源际」项目。 Eight months ago, to fill in the gap of the music realm of the Chinese furry fandom, and to discover furry music lovers, some furries started the 「ArcadiaEdge」 project. 顺着0°地平线的中央,抬头仰望着璀璨繁星点点,眺望向遥远的明天,似乎依旧暗红沉闷。 Along the 0° horizon, look up to the starry sky, gazing at the distant tomorrow, it still looks dark scarlet. “「那就来和我一起遨游星空,让世界迎来重生吧!」”一个未知的声音在耳边细语道。 "「Then come with me on a voyage to the stars, and bring rebirth to the world!」"Whispers an unknown voice by the ear. 缕缕星光,点缀着手中希望的碎片。 Glittering starlight, ignites the fragments of hope in the hand. 阵阵微风,翻开了今天崭新的一页。 Breezing wind, unveils a new page of today. 一点一滴的幻想,伴随着无数的故事,瞬间重叠在了一起—— Bits and bits of fantasies, mingled with countless stories, overlapping each other for a moment — 「我们」,就在此时,即刻启程。 「We」, set out, now. 「Arcadia」,代表着遥远的世外桃源。这是我们创立的一个能让所有成员自豪的另一个温暖家庭。 「Arcadia」, representing a faraway paradise, is the warm family that we've created, and one we can be proud of. 几个月精细打磨,只为释放有限的精力。以心灵作为钥匙,以热爱作为启明星,用双手绘制出梦境中的远方,从最初的起点爆发,踏上无限的伟大旅程。 Months of delicate production, only for the burst of limited energy. With our souls as the key, and our passion as the beacon, we take off from the runway, and start an infinitly great journey. 「序言」——没错,这个短小精致的专辑,仅仅是一部大作的开篇。我们有信心,有精力,去打造属于我们自己的音乐世界。 「Prologue」, yes, this short and delicate album, is only the first pages of a great work. We have the confidence and the energy to create the music world of our own. 衷心希望您能喜欢我们的乐曲,哪怕只有一首,至少这也意味着我们取得了成功。 We sincerely hope that you will like our tracks, even if just one, it means that we've succeeded. /// 感谢参与本次专辑中的所有兽圈与非兽圈人员的支持 | Many thanks to everyone from the furry fandom (and the ones who are not) involved in the creation of this album 专辑监制 Album production supervisor:Mirror_Music 专辑文案 Album text planning:Caster Cathode 封面设计 Album cover design:Airheart初鈊 曲绘 Album cover artist:凰明 参与名单 Album artists:Mirror_Music,BloodRomantic,H1M233,Terabytz,LonzilFox,The_Wooden,S.h.o.n.s,GKOTTA /// ArcadiaEdge 2021, All Rights Reserved

ArcadiaEdge Vol. 1 - Prologue

ArcadiaEdge · 1625760000000

ArcadiaEdge presents /// Vol. 1 - Prologue 八个月前,为了弥补国内兽圈音乐组织的空白,为了挖掘更优秀的furry音乐爱好者,几个小动物共同创立了「绒源际」项目。 Eight months ago, to fill in the gap of the music realm of the Chinese furry fandom, and to discover furry music lovers, some furries started the 「ArcadiaEdge」 project. 顺着0°地平线的中央,抬头仰望着璀璨繁星点点,眺望向遥远的明天,似乎依旧暗红沉闷。 Along the 0° horizon, look up to the starry sky, gazing at the distant tomorrow, it still looks dark scarlet. “「那就来和我一起遨游星空,让世界迎来重生吧!」”一个未知的声音在耳边细语道。 "「Then come with me on a voyage to the stars, and bring rebirth to the world!」"Whispers an unknown voice by the ear. 缕缕星光,点缀着手中希望的碎片。 Glittering starlight, ignites the fragments of hope in the hand. 阵阵微风,翻开了今天崭新的一页。 Breezing wind, unveils a new page of today. 一点一滴的幻想,伴随着无数的故事,瞬间重叠在了一起—— Bits and bits of fantasies, mingled with countless stories, overlapping each other for a moment — 「我们」,就在此时,即刻启程。 「We」, set out, now. 「Arcadia」,代表着遥远的世外桃源。这是我们创立的一个能让所有成员自豪的另一个温暖家庭。 「Arcadia」, representing a faraway paradise, is the warm family that we've created, and one we can be proud of. 几个月精细打磨,只为释放有限的精力。以心灵作为钥匙,以热爱作为启明星,用双手绘制出梦境中的远方,从最初的起点爆发,踏上无限的伟大旅程。 Months of delicate production, only for the burst of limited energy. With our souls as the key, and our passion as the beacon, we take off from the runway, and start an infinitly great journey. 「序言」——没错,这个短小精致的专辑,仅仅是一部大作的开篇。我们有信心,有精力,去打造属于我们自己的音乐世界。 「Prologue」, yes, this short and delicate album, is only the first pages of a great work. We have the confidence and the energy to create the music world of our own. 衷心希望您能喜欢我们的乐曲,哪怕只有一首,至少这也意味着我们取得了成功。 We sincerely hope that you will like our tracks, even if just one, it means that we've succeeded. /// 感谢参与本次专辑中的所有兽圈与非兽圈人员的支持 | Many thanks to everyone from the furry fandom (and the ones who are not) involved in the creation of this album 专辑监制 Album production supervisor:Mirror_Music 专辑文案 Album text planning:Caster Cathode 封面设计 Album cover design:Airheart初鈊 曲绘 Album cover artist:凰明 参与名单 Album artists:Mirror_Music,BloodRomantic,H1M233,Terabytz,LonzilFox,The_Wooden,S.h.o.n.s,GKOTTA /// ArcadiaEdge 2021, All Rights Reserved

