Hey man where are you going Holding the hand of your son Look at me I am invisible virus Oh I hate you I love you I am here just to make you down That is why you are under lockdown Remember you ain't the centre Of all species You couldn't tame your power You are the reason Of this humanitarian crisis You are the reason Of this humanitarian crisis You run slaughter house Kill their voice which are loud You ignore nature's pain When her soul is slain For your crime and greed That is why I am unleashed By our kind mother nature For your very cruel feature Oh oh don't show me frown Put your weapons down When you kill innocents You are not virus When I kill you It's said pandemic And disastrous Pandemic and disastrous Pandemic and disastrous Hey man kill your lust and ego Let the saint be alive again within you Then I will be destroyed forever And you will be on the rebound together Let the saint be alive again within you Then I will be destroyed forever And you will be on the rebound together Oh oh oh
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