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Hungarian Songs As Sung by Brigitta R. Puj
Brigitta R. Puj
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
录音室版 · 1405353600000
Bài Hát
Thời Gian
Bicikli csardas, g-moll friss (Bicycle Csardas Friss in G Minor)
Brigitta R. Puj
3 phút 35 giây
Imadsag mar az Is (It Is a prayer to): Imadsag mar az Is [It Is a prayer too]
Brigitta R. Puj
3 phút 58 giây
Szeretnelek ujra rozsak kozott latni (I would like to see you again among roses)
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 50 giây
Tik-Tak (Tic-Tac)
Brigitta R. Puj
1phút 22 giây
Leanyok, legenyek (Lasses, Lads)
Brigitta R. Puj
1phút 30 giây
All a bal a nagy kocsmaban (Confusion in the big pub)
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 10 giây
Emlekezes Biharira (Remembering Bihari)
Brigitta R. Puj
5 phút 33 giây
Ugy nezek rad (I look at you as)
Brigitta R. Puj
3 phút 6 giây
Sosem volt, sosem lesz (There never was, never will be)
Brigitta R. Puj
1phút 47 giây
Tagadom, tagadom (I deny It, deny It)
Brigitta R. Puj
1phút 27 giây
Nincs a geszti lanynak parja (There Is nothing like the lass from Geszt)
Brigitta R. Puj
1phút 53 giây
Halalba indulas (Departure to death)
Brigitta R. Puj
3 phút 10 giây
Mit er a majus (What Is May for?)
Brigitta R. Puj
4 phút 57 giây
G-dur Skala csardas (Scale csardas in G Major)
Brigitta R. Puj
3 phút 20 giây
Nalam az mar nem ujsag (It Is no news to me)
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 51 giây
Nem szabad a boldogsagot (Happiness can't be)
Brigitta R. Puj
3 phút 27 giây
Esti szel (Evening wind)
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 42 giây
Szeretem a szerelmet (I like love)
Brigitta R. Puj
1phút 58 giây
Megigez a notam (My song Is bewitching): Megigez a notam [My song Is bewtiching]
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 13 giây
Orosz ciganydal (Russian gypsy song)
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 18 giây
Fekete banat (Black sorrow)
Brigitta R. Puj
3 phút 50 giây
Latom a csillagos eget (I can see the starry sky)
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 38 giây
Dete hara (Koran reggel huz a banda, the band Is playing in the early morning)
Brigitta R. Puj
1phút 58 giây
Del o brisind (Esik az eso, It Is raining)
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 44 giây
Phendem tuke Sarkozi (Reg mengmondtam Sarkozi, I told It long ago, Sarkozi)
Brigitta R. Puj
2 phút 11 giây
Brigitta R. Puj的其他专辑
Pictures From Borsod Played by Zoltan Horvath
Zoltan Horvath
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
Andras Tolnay
András Puporka
Sandor Buffo Rigo
Brigitta R. Puj
Zoltan Horvath Jr.
Andras Suki
Béla Berki
Dezsö Balogh
Oszkár Ökrös
Jozsef Lendvai Csocsi
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra的其他专辑
Margit Bangó: Gypsy Star Sings
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
Sandor Buffo Rigo
Margit Bangó
Pictures From Borsod Played by Zoltan Horvath
Zoltan Horvath
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
Andras Tolnay
András Puporka
Sandor Buffo Rigo
Brigitta R. Puj
Zoltan Horvath Jr.
Andras Suki
Béla Berki
Dezsö Balogh
Oszkár Ökrös
Jozsef Lendvai Csocsi
Evergreen Melodies Performed by Dezso Balogh
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
Dezsö Balogh
Arrangement for Cimbalom As Performed by Oszkar Orkos
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
Oszkár Ökrös
Kodaly: Kallo Double Dance / Liszt: Rakoczi March / Grabocz: Madocsa Dances / Monti: Csardas
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
Dezsö Balogh
Laszlo Berki
Tivadar Meszaros
Viktor Olah
Nandor Banyak
Jeno Lendvai Csocsi
Lajos Boross
Jozsef Sarkozi
Pal Szomora
Laszlo Berki Jr.
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
Lajos Boross
Dezsö Balogh
Margit Bangó
András Puporka
Oszkár Ökrös
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra
Hungarian Songs As Sung by Margit Bango
Attila Biro
Margit Bangó
Budapest Gypsy Orchestra