Stroberload is back with the debut EP from Lorenzo Papini. '150 Bullets In Your Face' evokes the sweaty 150 BPM euphoria that you'll only find on Sunday at 10am in South London. Three monster tracks with heart-racing pressure... 150 Bullets In Your Face Dance Or Die Escape Early support: "Hard and Fast!" -D.A.V.E The Drummer "High velocity EP!! Favourite is Dance Or Die" -Gijensu "BOMB EP" -999999999 "10/10" -Stephanie Sykes Hard Vision, VTSS, Rottar, Gijensu, Stephanie Sykes, Helrad, WarinD, Ma Cka, Endlec, Duellist, D.A.V.E The Drummer, Whitley, FLmm, Tomas Kunkel credits