[Intro] - SponeTree Maybe you but maybe me someone could save me from myself maybe then just maybe then I will heal my mistakes then [Verse 1] - SponeTree IVE GOT A PIECE THAT REMINDS ME OF YOU YOU GOT A TOKEN THATS LEFT ME ASKEW STILL I LOOK OUT TO THE STARS SO FEW IVE GOT A PIECE THAT REMINDS ME OF YOU MY SOUL HAS BEEN TAKEN BY SOMOENE NOT YOU THE WRATH OF THE GODS HAVE KEPT ME AWAY FROM THE TRUTH I JUST NEEDED SOMEONE I JUST WANTED YOU [Hook] - SponeTree THE TRUTH THATS UNSPOKEN HAS LEFT ME WALLETS THAT GREW THE POCKETS SO EMPTY STILL NOT WORTHLESS TOO IF I COULD GIVE UP NOW MAYBE YOUD GIVE UP TOO THE OBSESSION IS BUILDING THE VIOLENCE SO HELP ME IM MELTING WITHOUT YOU [CHORUS] - SponeTree TELL ME WHERE I WENT WRONG CAN I FIX MY MISTAKES HAS IT BEEN TOO LONG WHEN I AM DEAD WILL YOU SELL WHAT I LONG I CANT BREATHE AT NIGHT I CANT SLEEP AT NIGHT THE PAIN THAT RESIDES HAS KEPT ME ALIVE I CANT ESCAPE THE HOLLOW ENCLAVE MY GREAT MISTAKE HAS KEPT ME HERE I STRUGGLE IN FEAR I CANT BEAR IT ALL LEAVE ME ALONE LET ME DIE IN A MALL LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE LEAVE ME ALONE [Verse 2] - SponeTree IVE BEEN DOING SOME THINKING I MIGHT BE OBSESSED WITH HER BREAHING I MIGHT NOT WAKE UP IF SHE NEEDS ME BUT ILL STILL CRAVE HER WHILE SINKING YOU CAN LOOK UP TO ME WHILE BELIEVING KNOW THAT ILL GIVE UP IF SHE DIES TO A SEA KING THE BLOOD ON MY HANDS IS BUT BLOOD IN THE SAND THERE IS TOO MUCH AT STAKE TO FORGO MY HAND [Chorus 2] - Titø Tell me where I went wrong Did I say too much or did I do you wrong You're leaving me so helpless I don't know why I can't deal with the pain inside, it consumes my mind You tell me I'm not enough, is it the drugs? I gave them up. But now I'm never sober Your lies are not longer my closure You tell me I'm worthless You're so perfectly perfect I give you the world your so ****ing worth it [Verse 3] - Titø Tell me where I went wrong, is it the drugs? I gave them up. The temptation is aching You said I don't love you But you were mistaken I see you in bed with your legs shaking My soul is misguided, I've always been hated I look to you and you were amazing The scars down my arm are a representation of my mistakes.